Friday, November 22, 2013

National Competitive Grants Request for Proposals [104(g)]

Illinois investigators, it’s time to think about proposals for the National Competitive Grants program!

The National Competitive Grants Program is funded through collaboration between the National Institutes of Water Resources and the U.S. Geological Survey. It provides 1 to 3 year grants of up to $250,000 to projects addressing: research on the topic of improving and enhancing the nation’s water supply, including evaluation of innovative approaches to water treatment, infrastructure design, retrofitting, maintenance, management, and replacement; evaluation of the dynamics of extreme hydrological events and associated costs; development of methods for better estimation of the physical and economic supply of water; alternative approaches and governance mechanisms for integrated management of ground and surface waters; and the evaluation and assessment of conservation practices.

  •  Collaboration between USGS scientists and applicants is not only encouraged, but proposals showing extensive collaboration will be given more weight in evaluations.
  • Investigators must have a match of non-federal dollars for any federal dollars requested in proposals. Investigator salary may be used as a match.
  • Any investigator at an institution of higher learning can apply for the grant, but he or she must do so through the Water Center or Institute in his or her state. For example, Illinois researchers must submit their applications to the Illinois Water Resources Center, and should contact us before February 20th to arrange that submission.  
  • Applications are due by 3pm Central Time on February 20, 2014
  • Funding for these grants depends on appropriations from the federal government. If money isn’t allocated to USGS for these awards, then grants may not be funded.
  •  For the complete RFP, please visit NIWR’s website.

If you have any questions about this request for proposals or want to submit an application, please contact IWRC at 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

More Grants, Scholarships, and Awards

We posted a list of Illinois funding opportunities for students back in July, but since we are unable to offer our Annual Small Grants this year due to Sequester budget cuts, we hope this list of national and international opportunities can provide even more support ideas. If we missed your organizations’ scholarships, please contact us. In no particular order:

  • Our colleagues over in Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant provide access for Illinois and Indiana students to the Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship, the Great Lakes Commission/Sea Grant Fellowship, NOAA Fisheries Services/Sea Grant Fellowships, and the CILER Great Lakes Summer Students Fellowships. While most of these awards provide research funding or experiences for current graduate student, there are some undergraduate opportunities available. Check their website regularly for open fellowships and advice on applications.       
  • The Society of Freshwater Science makes several aquatic ecology awards to organization member graduate students. Award applications are due in February 2014 and range from support for taxonomic research to travel funds to attend annual meetings. 
  • The Soil and Water Conservation Society provides scholarship to traditional students as well as working professionals who seek to add to their professional credentials. Applicants must be members of SWCS. Full information is available here.
  • The Water Environment Federation (WEF) provides monetary awards to WEF members attending graduate school. Applicants must be members of WEF, pursing a career/degree in the water environment field, and use scholarship funds for tuition, board, or books, but not wages or a stipend.     
  • Engineering firm Brown and Caldwell offers several scholarships to students in engineering or environmental science fields. The Minority Scholarship is for junior, senior, and graduate minority students with a GPA over 3.0 attending an accredited college or university. The Eckenfelder Scholarship is open to all students, but has similar requirements as the Minority Scholarship. Applications are due April 15th of each year.       
  • If you’re interested in a master’s degree in environmental engineering and are willing to promise to work for two years in the that field, you should consider applying to the Environmental Engineers of the Future program. Applicants must have a BS in engineering from an accredited university and have chosen, and been accepted into, a graduate program by spring of 2014. Applications are due December 1. 
  • Even more engineering scholarships are listed on the American Society of Civil Engineers' webpage. While the requirements and deadlines differ among these opportunities, you do, generally, have to be pursing a degree in civil engineering.
  • The Society of Women Geographers provides several fellowship opportunities to “women studying for advanced degrees in geography or its allied fields.” Pruitt National Fellowship applications are due in February of 2014.
  • The American Geophysical Union awards several travel grants and scholarships to student members. While most of the scholarship applications are due in June, it is never too early to start planning and preparing your ideas.
  • Don’t forget about the U.S. EPA’s Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowships. For master’s and PhD students, the awards provide tuition, stipend, and expenses for several years for research. They’re not currently accepting scholarships for the 2014 school year, but keep an eye on their website for future updates.   
  • And finally, the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program provides support to graduate students in many, many types of programs. While very competitive, these awards are still well worth pursuing and are due very soon!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Bringing Water Science to the People of Illinois

We’ve been neglecting the blog lately, which would be sad in and of itself, if it didn’t also mean that we have been out of the office doing vast amounts of outreach. What kinds of outreach, you say? We’re so glad you asked.

You may have noticed our many postings about the Drought Workshop at the Governor’s Conference on the Management of the Illinois River System. What you may not have noticed is that this workshop was developed because of outreach requirements on a research grant.  Last spring, Dr. Ximing Cai approached us with the idea of a drought workshop, because he was concerned that his research on forecasting and climate wasn’t reaching the people who needed it most, namely, farmers and water resources managers. Since the mission of the Illinois Water Resources Center is to bring watershed science to the people of Illinois, we were excited to help Dr. Cai reach a broader audience.  And we’re happy to report that we did host a broad audience. Members of Illinois’ agriculture, economics, and natural resources departments joined with researchers for the University of Illinois and the Prairie Research Institute to discuss what information they needed to help them do their jobs during droughts. Over 30 people attended the workshop, and this was during a partial federal government shutdown that kept three of our speakers at home. While we missed their input, it was encouraging to see how many people are interested in managing drought more effectively in Illinois. Stay tuned for a report and white paper on this topic to be published on our website.

The other task that’s been keeping us so busy (including talking about it in our sleep, by one report) is nutrient pollution. Illinois is home to an impressive agriculture scene and a lot of people, most of whom live in the Chicago area. These two factors mean that Illinois puts a lot of nitrogen and phosphorous into our waterways in the form of escaped fertilizer and treated wastewater. These nutrients eventually make their way down the Mississippi River and into the Gulf of Mexico, where they greatly contribute to the massive hypoxia, or dead, zones that have been appearing there for over 30 years. The State of Illinois is now working on reducing this form of pollution by developing a nutrient reduction strategy with the aid of a group of stakeholders. Led by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and the Illinois Department of Agriculture, the stakeholder group includes representative from wastewater treatment professionals, the agricultural community, and environmental groups, and has become large. Which is where we come in. Big groups require a lot of organization to make them run efficiently and still let everyone’s ideas and opinions be heard. Consequently, IWRC is facilitating the working group meetings to ensure that Illinois drafts a workable strategy to meaningfully reduce nutrient pollution in a way that addresses everyone’s concerns and includes the expertise of all the group members. As you can imagine, curating the content generated by nearly 50 people has taken a lot of work, but it promises to be a rewarding experience, and we hope to see the finished project next summer. For more information on the Nutrient Reduction Strategy, you can visit the IEPA website.

To round out our outreach efforts, we’ve also started preparing for Illinois Water 2014! If you have ideas of activities, sections, and events you’d like to see included, please contact us.    

Monday, October 7, 2013

Drought Workshop Notes

We're excited to see that our Drought Workshop was written up on the Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant blog. Check it out here to find out how the day went. We'll be posting the final notes and ideas from the workshop soon. Until then, if you have additional ideas post-workshop (or couldn't make it) feel free to email us with your comments to be incorporated into our final publication.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Water Notes: A Few of Our Favorite Things

We read a lot of stuff about water, and sometimes we forget to pass the fun along to you. This week, we’re starting a new tradition and making up for that oversight by sharing a few of our favorite blogs, websites, and tools. If you have great additions to our list, be sure to share in the comments or on Twitter @IllinoisWater or Facebook.

by Irene Miles

  • hosts the UpClose series in which they interview scientists about their research. You know how much we love chatting about science, and this is fun and accessible. Since Unwantedmeds focuses on safe disposal of unwanted or expired medicine, the interviews generally deal with what happens to the environment when pharmaceuticals escape. The collection so far includes an engineer, a toxicologist, and a microbial ecologist. We hear rumors that there will be more soon.
  • Did you know that Illinois has sister lakes and rivers?  We do, in Brazil, Mexico, Ireland, and China, to name a few. The goal of the Sister Rivers and Lakes initiative is to share innovative solutions to the problems these water bodies share with those in Illinois. Some of the strategies used by Illinois to address state water resource dilemmas include the Mud-to-Parks program and the Clean Water Initiative
  • One of the most helpful sites we follow is the blog of State Climatologist Jim Angel. Dr. Angel keeps us up-to-date on drought, tornado drought, the average temperatures of the season we’re in, and lots of other useful information about Illinois weather and climate. We highly recommend adding Illinois State Climatologist to your blog roll.
  • Speaking of weather, the Midwest Regional Climate Center’s webpage is also fantastic. Not only can you look up the maximum snow in one month in Champaign County (it was 32 inches in March of 1906), but you can also look up extreme temperatures, past weather events, drought, and the weather on the day you were born!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Research Highlights: The Value of Clean Water

Just how much are people willing to give for a dry basement or a healthy stream? University of Illinois economics professor Dr.Amy Ando and her Ph.D. student Catalina Londoño Cadavid sought to answer this question through their IWRC-supported study: “Measuring Public Preferences over Stormwater Outcomes in Illinois: Willingness to Pay and Willingness to Help.”

With its history of stormwater problems, Chicago seemed like the natural place for an Illinois-based researcher to ask this question. And Chicago is also home to a large low-income population, which allowed Ando and Cadavid to add an interesting twist to their research. If people don’t have the ability to pay for relief from stormwater flooding, would they volunteer time to receive some benefits of reduced flooding?

Chicago is starting to employ green infrastructure, or low impact development, as a way to address its persistent struggle with combined sewer overflows during big rainstorms. Features like rain gardens and rain barrels have joined a massive tunnel project, and their presence also means that, in Ando’s words “there are other ways [besides money] for people to contribute, because maybe rain barrels need to be checked or rain gardens need to be weeded.”    

Ando and Cadavid worked with Reed College professor Noelwah Netusil to create a survey to reach 500 Chicago-area residents for their opinions on stormwater-related flooding and environmental damage. Developed with input from Chicago-based nonprofit Center forNeighborhood Technology and Chicago’s Departmentof Water Management, the survey measured residents’ willingness to pay for stormwater improvements with money, volunteer hours, or a combination of the two. Traditionally, Ando explains, consumer choice studies like this use cost as the “lynchpin that translates choice into willingness to pay.” But by using time as a form of payment, the research team was able to push the envelope of economic methods and include the opinions of lower income residents through scenario options that would actually be available to them.  

While Ando and Cadavid originally intended to mail out a survey, when the cost became prohibitive Cadavid proposed Qualtrics. A data collection and research firm, Qualtrics enlists volunteers on survey panels, where they can then opt in or out of a survey opportunity to earn points redeemable for prizes. The survey relies on an online platform, but it also ensures a representative sample of the population is collected and provides computer access to those without. The survey was carried out during the fall and winter of 2012, and the collected respondents’ opinions were a bit unexpected.

Few survey respondents reported any personal experience with stormwater flooding. For example, only 33% of respondents recalled any flooding event in the past year, while less than 6% had experienced four or more flood events. Consequently, few respondents felt that flooding relief was something worth paying for, either with time or money. Rather, greater value was placed on improving environmental attributes like water quality and aquatic health in local streams. People also showed themselves willing to pay much more through in-kind contributions of time than through direct payments of money (if time is valued at people’s wage rates). Ando and Cadavid speculate that this could be driven in part by people gaining value from directly participating in neighborhood improvement projects.

While the final results of the study haven’t been published yet, Cadavid did depend on this study to successfully defend her Ph.D. dissertation this spring and additional findings were presented at national meetings over the summer. As for application of the research, Ando calls that outreach the “fun part” of working in a land-grant university. Not only does she plan to follow up with the original partners who helped develop the survey, but she also intends to use the data to help the U.S. EPA generate more complete estimates of the benefits of green solutions to stormwater problems.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Water Jobs: The Art of Water

Today on WaterJobs we welcome Chicago-based artist Lindsay Olson to discuss her latest project: Manufactured River. Manufactured River examines wastewater treatment through conceptual art, much of it involving textiles. When we first saw Lindsay’s work through Twitter, we thought she was a perfect candidate for WaterJobs. Not only does she blend science and art, but she also does so in an effort to draw people’s attention to the value of clean water! Lindsay studied fine arts at Columbia College Chicago and has used her work as a means to build community understanding about her local police force (Tools of the Trade). When not creating, Lindsay enjoys canoeing, and told me that she and her husband “haul our canoe ‘The Leaky Cauldron’ everywhere we travel, including Nova Scotia and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We even braved canoeing on the Illinois River and dodged commercial traffic until we came to our senses.”  
Filamentous Bacteria Nostocoida Limicola by Lindsay Olson

When did you become interested in using your artwork to bring attention to watershed management?
Fourteen years ago I was painting traditional, impressionistic waterscapes and focused mainly on idealized waterscapes. I deliberately edited out parking lots, electrical wires, buildings and wanted to portray a more rural looking waterway.

How did you become interested in wastewater treatment, specifically? Was there a triggering event, a moment of inspiration, etc.?
I had a defining moment one day while my husband and I were canoeing on the Chicago Canal.  We passed a SEPA station (Side Stream Elevated Pool Aeration) and this was not like any ordinary fountain I had seen. The             structure nagged at me. I wanted to know why someone would build such a structure. It was at that moment that I felt compelled to learn the real story about water use in a crowded, urban area.

I have to admit that often, as an artist, ignorance is my best friend. I had no idea that learning who built the SEPA station and why would lead me on such a huge technical and artistic adventure.

Growing up, I was always interested in the creative end of things. Like many creative people, I was intimidated by math and science. (If I had known then I could learn science by making art, I would have been much more interested in         science classes.) I knew if I wanted to portray the real story of water, I had to roll up my sleeves do my homework, literally!  I attended seminars, talked to scientists, engineers and operators, and read lots of books and articles. I did not want to just portray the surface details of wastewater treatment. I wanted my art to capture the science and the spirit of the industry.

Your work shows a broad knowledge about the science and technology of wastewater treatment. Do you secretly run a wastewater treatment plant in addition to being an artist, or how did you pursue that knowledge?
Thank you very much for a lovely compliment! I learned about wastewater treatment a number of ways. Early on in the project I had the good fortune to meet several key people. Dick Lanyon, retired Executive Director of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Great Chicago took a personal interest in me and the project and helped explain complex engineering processes in layman’s terms. He also took me under his wing and suggested ways to get the project out into the community. He introduced me to the Illinois Water Environment Association and Water Environment Federation officials so that the work was shown to water professionals. As a result of my participation in WATERCON 2013, I made connections in the Quad Cities, and last month I met with arts administrators, environmentalists, and water professionals to create programming around the art show. We are working on bringing this together some time in 2014.
Also, I am also delighted to be showing “Manufactured River” at the Water Environment Federation Technical Event and Conference in Chicago October 5-9.  
Crawling Ciliates Aspidisca by Lindsay Olson

Did you visit any wastewater treatment plants? How receptive were operators to having an artist capture their work?
Yes, I not only visited area waste water treatment plants but spent hours in the Pump House at Stickney in Chicago drawing plant infrastructure. Plant operators were very excited to hear about my work, and when I show the work locally, I can’t wait to invite the people I have met.

It seems like your work sits in an unusual intersection of art and science. How do you blend these two fields, and what kinds of opportunities and challenges has that presented?
Combining art and wastewater treatment was both a visual and intellectual challenge. Working in this particular way, with a large technical industry, requires focus, endurance, and intense curiosity. It can be intimidating to walk into a large industrial complex; I had never worked in a location that required wearing a hardhat and ear protection. It was like walking into a foreign land and learning a new language, in this case, the language of science.

At first I was overwhelmed by how much I did not know. But my usual response to any life challenge is to sit down and draw. Bit by bit, I acquired enough understanding of the activated sludge process to begin working on that part of the project. My first big creative breakthrough came when I dug into the microbiology of the process and discovered great joy and lots of information drawing the microbes that clean our wastewater. This was a very exciting moment for me. All of a sudden, I felt like my art opened a science door for me.

What do you hope your work will accomplish?
I want to use my skills as an artist to raise awareness about the importance of treated wastewater in discussions about watershed management. Most people flush and forget, but I am using beautiful materials and time-consuming processes to make art about a subject most people think of as unpleasant. Treated wastewater is, at its heart, water…vital, precious, and in limited supply.

Lots of people are intimidated by art. It’s funny how people will have a favorite song or band and not feel the need to have a music degree to appreciate music. But somehow art has been removed from everyday experiences and become rarefied.  I’m really excited to use my art in ways that connect people and show that art can be useful in contributing to issues that matter. Showing my work at WATERCON to engineers and operator was a wonderful experience. People really appreciated what I was trying to do with my art. They could relate their daily work lives to the work I showed.

Now it’s time get the work out into the community. Ideally, I want to use the art as a catalyst for events and discussions related to ecology, water treatment, and science education.  This is one way to educate the public about the value of science, art, and public health.

Would you tell us about your career path? How did you know you wanted to be an artist?
I was the oddball child growing up in a family that worshiped words. From an early age I was interested in visual expression, but I have to say it took me forever to work out how I wanted to be an artist. From the outside this path looks circuitous and illogical. I studied dance with a former Rockette. I studied fashion design and worked in that field for a number of years. As a mature student I attended Columbia College Chicago and graduated with a degree in Fine Arts. A defining moment came when I decided to invent an artist residency for my local police department.  I learned so many things about law enforcement that were not portrayed in popular media that I wanted to use my art work to share what I was learning with the communities law enforcement serves.  That was the beginning of my Artist/Activist career. I knew that the best fit for me was to combine my art skills with community activism and work on issues I care about.
Filamentous Bacteria Nostocoida Limicola by Lindsay Olson

What sort of educational and professional opportunities have you used to develop your career?
Attending WATERCON was a great learning experience. Although much of the technical information from the sessions confused me, I came away with a richer understanding of watershed management. Anything I learn, I funnel right back into my studio practice. 

I’ve received support from Columbia College Chicago where I have taught since 2000. I was awarded 2 faculty grants, and they have been very helpful with the practical elements of my artistic career.

Last summer I traveled to London, Ontario to study with a UK textile artist Jean Draper. I’ll be working with some of the concepts I learned in this workshop over the winter.

Are there any more water projects on your horizon?
In one way or another, water will “infiltrate” my work for a very long time. I am passionate about understanding how water and the watershed behave. Its complexity and the fact that we all depend on water is an exciting and meaningful intersection for me as an artist and budding citizen scientist.

Also, I have a dream to secure passage on a research vessel that works in the Great Lakes. It would be thrilling to go to sea and to observe scientists conducting research up close and personal.

What advice would you give students who are interested in using their art in fields like water resources?
A career in either science or art requires tremendous commitment and dedication. I’d say artists, especially, encounter massive amounts of rejection, but this is becoming true of other fields, too, now that the economic landscape has changed so drastically. My best advice would be to pay attention to what snags your attention. Sometime a small subconscious nudge in a certain direction will lead you to a project you absolutely can’t let go. This attachment to a project or idea can sustain you through outside skepticism, your own inner daemons, and all the cultural pressures one can encounter.  The act of dedicating yourself to a project and working on it one step at a time can lead to the adventure of a lifetime.
Stalked Ciliate Vorticella by Lindsay Olson